Members of the Build Your BRAVE network were the first to get the news and it came right after a failed coup in the USA.

I’ll be honest, I deliberated holding back, waiting for some dust to settle and accountability to build, before sharing the news.

But then, a dear client pointed out that what took place is a massive example of why we are intensely called to redefine BRAVE across our societies:

  • away from war, fighting, crushing others
  • towards collaboration, speaking truth, navigating together while holding the line of our values, progress, and purpose.

The global response to the failed coup is already — and I believe will continue — showing us how we all benefit from stepping into our BRAVE.

The Celebrate BRAVE podcast arrives at the right time.

Sharing this labor of love is the culmination of nearly three years of searching for these conversations. There are some great podcasts out there but none of them are changing BRAVE and global and supportive for humans like me, most particularly for women in tech.

With this podcast, we are going deeply in redefining BRAVE:

  • how we identify

  • how we live it

  • how we celebrate it.

In each episode, I dive into personal and guest stories, ways to build your BRAVE, and so much more.

The first few episodes walk through my Build Your BRAVE framework so that you can start today to get more clarity, take action, and turn your ‘someday’ into today.

Episode One: Celebrate Brave with Nicole Trick Steinbach

Episode Two: Tell It To Your Dentist

Episode Three: Experience It Like a Kindergartner

Episode Four: Own It Like a Boss

Listen to one episode with all three parts of the Build Your BRAVE framework.

Hand-chosen guests will occasionally join me with their unique perspectives on BRAVE, so that a multitude of experiences and role models join our conversations.

Have a story you want to share and celebrate? I want to hear from you!

New episodes each Thursday – please subscribe and then rate&review.

#CelebrateBrave #BraveitUp #BuildYourBrave